Consulting Services

  • Farm Consulting

    Locally or globally I can help you bring clarity to your farm. This can be started anytime of the year but is usually done in the winter months (October to March) with in-season support through the summer (April-September).

  • Funding

    Governments are stepping up with funding to support climate-smart agriculture. Let me help you find the right programs to fit your needs. My consulting costs are usually covered in the program.

  • Custom

    If you got a project that you think I can help you with, please get a hold of me. This could be on-farm, food processing, end-users, ESG reporting, or just about anything related to adapting your company to climate-smart agriculture.

Farm Consulting Packages



You’ve got questions. I’ve got answers. Not sure where to begin? Do you need a sounding board for your ideas? Perhaps you want a second opinion on what your current advisor is suggesting. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.

Pricing includes one meeting in-person (within 100km of Taber, AB) or online and support through email, text, or phone for a 3 month period.

It is ideal for winter planning or seasonal support.

Upgrade to any other plan for the difference in cost anytime.

men and women farmers discussing at sunset


Farm Planning

I get to know your operation, where you are, and where you want to be. Give me access to as much, or as little, data as you like. Don’t worry if it’s not organized. I’ll figure it out.

Pricing includes four meetings in-person (within 100km of Taber, AB) or online and support through email, text, or phone for a 12 month period.

This is ideally started in the fall with new clients so that plans can be worked on over the winter. The summer can be used for implementing and fine-tuning them.


Annual Retainer

Many farmers like having me as a resource throughout the year. This is similar to the Q&A except that it is for the entire year.

Pricing includes four meetings in-person (within 100km of Taber, AB) or online and support through email, text, or phone for a 12 month period.

This is ideal for existing clients who want support for the farm on an annual basis or who just want to have a resource throughout without a lot of upfront work.

We have worked with Scott for over a decade on the agronomy of our mixed farm operation which includes 4300 irrigated acres of process potatoes, seed canola, grains and yellow peas. We find his company to be very timely, thorough and conscientious in his agronomy recommendations for our operations. Due to neighbouring sensitive crops & wetlands he is also environmentally conscious when making those recommendations. Highly recommended!

— Stan Kanegawa, S-Scan Farms Ltd. Scandia, Alberta, Canada..


The two main programs I work with are OFCAF & S-CAP. My fees can added to most applications. My minimum charge is my current Q&A package. More complex applications will be higher.

On Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF)

Many things are covered but the highlights are:

  • Cover crops (seed & seeding costs)

  • Soil testing/mapping

  • Manure, compost & digestate hauling and application

  • Split applied nitrogen & nitrogen inhibitors

  • Establishing perennial legumes or renovating pasture

  • Getting set up for rotational grazing (internal fencing + water)

You MUST have a CCA or P.Ag on the application and I have both!

There is no better time to start working with an independent agronomist. You can see the difference independence makes, get the costs of my services covered, and get funding to try out some things you’ve always wanted to try but just didn’t want to put the money to.

Program Details:

The initial consultation is free to determine eligibility.

Sustainable Canadian Agriculture Partnership (SCAP)

Many things are covered but the highlights are:

  • New technology, farm security, grain handling

  • Buying new or upgrading existing centre pivots,

  • Installing drip irrigation

  • Digging a well, developing water supplies for crops or livestock, decommissioning old wells

  • Developing a food safety plan or upgrading existing ones, developing new products or markets

  • Fencing in riperian areas, adding fencing (perimeter and internal)

  • Increasing legumes or establishing native or tame forages

  • Adding in shelterbelts, eco-buffers, and pollinator strips,

  • Intercropping annuals for grain harvest

  • Cocktail cover crops for green manure or forage

  • Establishing or enhancing wetlands.

Let me help you figure out what you could apply for and get money to work on those projects you’ve always wanted to do. There is no better time to start working with an independent agronomist. You can see the difference independence makes get the costs of my services covered as well.

Program Details:

The initial consultation is free to determine eligibility.

Not seeing anything that fits your needs?

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